23 March 2007
What a spring break...
Believe me when I say that walking two dogs that belong to you and two that don't on a country road dotted with fences they're not supposed to cross, horse manure piles they're not supposed to roll in, roads they're not supposed to cross, workers they're not supposed to bother, ponds they're not supposed to jump in, horses and cows they're not supposed to chase, a dog corpse they're not supposed to sniff in morbid curiosity, and a poor defenseless puppy they're not supposed to attack, in the aforementioned wet conditions, while so pregnant that a 10-minute walk fatigues you, is NOT a good idea.
Lucy was so covered in horse manure I didn't want to grab her (except i finally did when she came close enough), Ranger exhibited the worst behavior I've ever seen, while the aforementioned workers and one very helpful driving-by neighbor, looked on, and even Shadow--the good boy!--chased cows, all while Amiga, the local wandering dog, darted around and added to the chaos. By the time I got them all inside the fence again (even Amiga for a short time--she's fast!), all I could do was collapse into a chair on the porch and breathe. Three hours later, these dogs are still in the doghouse with me.
22 March 2007
20 March 2007
Really, not much to report...
It's spring break here in overcast, muggy southeastern Oklahoma, and I'm having a swell time dog-sitting and keeping myself occupied while my hubby enjoys the spring spawn! We're keeping my sister's dog Lucy while my fam is in NYC for a glam spring break trip, so our house seems like a zoo right now. Little bit of tension between she and Ranger, since it seems to be Ranger's life's goal to sleep on the couch (he's always jumping up there when we're not looking, only to slink off as soon as one of us looks in his direction), and Lucy is quite used to sleeping on the back cushion of the couch.
NAME UPDATE: Ava, Susannah, and Caroline are tied for the lead favorite. You guys are not making this decision any easier! Good to know that our three faves have some support.
I bought a bunch of stuff for the nursery today at Hobby Lobby--Easter and garden stuff on sale means our little girl will have a nursery that looks like a spring garden tea party! I'm also going to try my hand at some flower and bird painting on the walls, so we'll see how that turns out!
It's really becoming ridiculous how many acquaintances, relatives, and complete strangers ask me if I'm having twins and/or if I'm due any day. Nope, still have six more weeks to go, people!
13 March 2007
Stress level decreasing...
Next up: moving the elliptical to our bedroom (which will require some rearranging) and buying a glider (thanks again, in-laws!) and a rug. Baby steps to a completed baby room!!
NAME UPDATE: Caroline is winning this one, folks! However, I've got a couple others on the horizon, so I'm changing up the poll again to get some feedback on my new current faves. We'll see if C.C. still emerges victorious. Funny thing: In Sunday's Durant paper, there were not one, but TWO little Ava baby pictures, including one Ava Claire!
Also, I need to send out some virtual love to our Southeastern Savage Storm men's basketball team, since Jay and I can't be in Missouri tonight to cheer them on to a South Central Regional championship, which would send them to the Division II Elite Eight in Springfield, Mass.!
09 March 2007
32wks bump!
As far as the ubiquitous question of how I'm doing, I'm doing great, except for normal pregnancy discomforts: heartburn/indigestion, shortness of breath, and trouble getting comfortable at night and the rest of the day. However, I'm too unprepared to be wishing this pregnancy away just yet! Weight gain is becoming more egregious: 30lbs; yikes! My staying within normal weight gain range is looking less and less likely (25-35lbs). Hmmm...perhaps my rationale for eating so many sweets these past few months (I want my daughter to be sweet!) is not going to hold up.
As you can see from our name poll, we've narrowed our choices to Ava and Caroline (that's with the hard "i"), with the middle name most likely being Claire. I'm trying to decide if I like the alliteration of Caroline Claire, but Jay likes the sporty, occasional nickname of C.C. I haven't succeeded in convincing Jay to like any of my crush names, Eliza, Emilia, or Charlotte, and he hasn't gotten me to liking Savannah, either. It's tough when we have fairly disparate tastes, to find a name we both love.
06 March 2007
3-D Ultrasound!

That's her, folks! Maybe now that we can kind of see her face, we'll know what we should call her. You know, when you get a new puppy, you get to hang out with it a little while and decide what name suits it, but not so with babies! I suppose some people do wait a little while though, including Jay's parents, who had a girl's name all picked out for him, but when he arrived, they couldn't very well call him that. So he was nameless for a few days. I've also heard stories of people having a name picked out, and then when they saw the baby, they changed their minds. So I'm really not too worried about having a name picked out and ready to go before we go to the hospital. Kyle and Audrey, on the other hand, have had a name picked out for years! Our little girl's younger cousin will be named Kerrigan Reese, such a unique, sophistocated name.
Anyway, I teased Jay that it looks like our daughter got his round cheeks! That means Claire will be a perfect middle name for her, because Me-Maw was always telling Jay how much his round cheeks reminded her of her husband Clarence.