Claire has made the big move to forward-facing car seat, and she is loving it. I've noticed that she likes to stick her toes in her mouth...perhaps this has always been one of the (few) ways she entertains herself in her car seat, and I'm just now finding out?
This past weekend, my little brother Tyler finished up his coach-pitch baseball season with a tournament, and we went Saturday morning to watch a couple games. Tyler has a lot of fun with his best buddy Derek (pictured above), and he's doing great! We played on the playground at the sports complex in between games. Claire LOVES playing with her Uncle Ty. I think she's even said "Ty" a few times.
This is my last week of my last Master's class, but I've got a presentation to put together this week (and just did one last week!). Then we're leaving for a beach vacay Friday! Whoop!