02 November 2005

What am I supposed to be?

An Assistant Chamber Manager? A reporter for the local (crappy) newspaper? Information Technology Coordinator for Gear Up at SOSU? The first is my current job, which apparently I'm so overqualified for that my boss is interviewing for my position already!! This happened yesterday, and I overheard the whole thing! He actually invited me in to his office (it's open to mine) to tell the girl about what I do. He basically told her not to quit her current job (at Arby's), but he doesn't expect me to stay too long because I have a degree in Journalism, and he knows the pay and benefits are terrible (He didn't say the last part to the interviewee). So I guess now I don't feel guilty for applying for the other two jobs. We'll see.

Other news around Mauck Manor...is really limited. My social butterfly sister left me a voice mail last night while I was in class that went like this: "Hey Kim, you're probably cooking dinner or doing dishes or cleaning house or watching TV, but give me a call when you get this." Thanks, sister! I made sure to give her a call after I made goulash and spinach and watched "The Amazing Race."

Book of the week is Mean Spirit by Linda Hogan. It's a book I'm reading for my Native American Lit class that is actually very enjoyable to read. It's like watching a historical suspense thriller! And it fictionalizes some very important events in Oklahoma history: Back in the early 20th century, when Indians were receiving allotted land to make up for white settlers stealing their homelands, white people would find one way or another to get that land back. Whether the land had oil or not, the white people wanted it, so they would murder the owner, marry an Indian woman, or the government would basically force the Indians to sell by withholding their royalty checks (for grazing leases or oil wells). It was crazy!

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