01 June 2008

Summertime Bliss!

A fun Memorial Day cookout at Mom and Grant's.

This is what Claire and I have been up to this past week. Lots of sun and fun. Plus, we've been shopping and cleaning house quite a bit, as Amber Hearn and I hosted a baby shower for my cousin Dani Rose at my house yesterday. It was a great success and lots of fun. Molly Rose Spencer will probably be joining us in the next couple weeks!

I start my last class to finish my Master's tomorrow! Yay! And it's going to be a great class, too: Adolescent Literature! My favorite kind of book to read, and the kind I want to write! It's just during June from 9:30-12:30 Monday-Thursday. Claire will spend some QT this week with my Nana and Grandad, along with Uncle Ty, who is staying there this week while my mom enjoys a spa vacation in Illinois.

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Looks like a lovely shower for Miss Molly!